Grade 1 – Nipples are at the level of the inframammary fold (in line with the pencil).
We like to affectionately call these floppers
Grade 2 – Nipples are below the level of the pencil, but there is still more breast below the nipples.
These would be standard pancake boobs
Grade 3 – Nipples have dropped below the pencil and most breast tissue weighs below the pencil too
If your nipple and areola is more than 3 cm below your breast crease, then you have severe breast ptosis.
These would be pizza slice tits or extreme pancakes
Grade 4 – Nipples have dropped below the pencil, below the mound of breast tissue, and are either pointing towards the floor or bending back toward the chest wall.
These are the holy grail, full on spaniels ears floppy, empty bags of skin, Ultimate Pancakes
The owner of such beatles truly is a Pancake Queen
Pancake Boobs